
项目间复合期权:公共R&D投资价值分析 被引量:2

Interproject Compoundness:Real Option Evaluation on Public R&D Investment
摘要 公共R&D投资衍生的项目间复合期权是其区别于私人R&D投资的重要特征。在项目联合体内,公共R&D投资的项目间复合期权可以分解为基于同一个复合项目的平行复合期权和因果复合期权;通过项目联合体的价值增量分析,可以确定公共R&D投资的战略价值。 Real options of interproject compoundness discriminate public R&D investment from private one. Interproject compoundness can be decompounded into the time eompoundness and the causal compoundness in projects complex, and strategic value of public R&D investment can be evaluated through the incremental value analysis of the project complex.
作者 徐尚友
出处 《技术经济》 2008年第6期59-63,共5页 Journal of Technology Economics
关键词 公共R&D投资 期权组合 项目间复合期权 项目联合体 public R &D investment & option portfolio interproject compoundness projects complex
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