The stage from expansion of floral buds to blossom lasts 26 days.When the folioles and inflorescences appear faintly, 19- 16 days before blossom, microsporoeytes begin the stage of meiosis.The microsporogenesis belongs to the simultaneous type. The microspore
tetrad is the tetrahedricspore.The development of micnospores (the central stage-stage
in which the nucleus Lies in the edge of a cell) Lasts 5 days.When the flower buds separat and eorolla facrogenous flawers appear faintly. 10- 9 days before blossom, the microspores divide first time.The stage of full eontents of 2-celled mate gametophytes lasts 7- 8 days.The 2-celled pollen grains mature 3-2 days before blossom.The division of generative ceils completes in pollen tubes.It is observed that generative calls divide in pollen grains and develop into 3-celled pollen grains.
Journal of Hebei University(Natural Science Edition)