
中国二噁英排放清单的国际比较研究 被引量:30

Comparison of the dioxins release inventories of China and other countries
摘要 采用年总排放量、向大气年排放量、人均年排放量、人均向大气年排放量、本地污染指数、人均本地污染指数和地均本地污染指数作比较指标,对中国二噁英排放清单(以2004年为基准年)和基准年相近的27个国家的二噁英排放清单进行了比较研究。结果表明,中国二噁英的年总排放量、向大气年排放量和本地污染指数较大,表明开展二噁英减排工作势在必行;同时,人均年排放量、人均向大气年排放量、人均本地污染指数和地均本地污染指数较小,表明中国的二噁英人均产污水平远低于其他国家,开展二噁英减排有利于实现对二噁英污染的及早控制。 A survey was conducted to compare the dioxins release inventories of China with 27 other countries, for the reference year of 2004 or a comparable report period, based on the indices of: annual total release, annual release to the air, per capita total annual release, annual per capita release to the air, local pollution index, and annual unit area release. That three indices (annual total release, annual release to the air, and local pollution index) of China were much higher relative to those of the other countries has confirmed the urgency to reduce dioxins release in China. The three other indices (annual per capita total release, annual per capita release to the air, and annual unit ar- ea release) of China were much lower than the same of other countries, suggesting that the dioxins production rate of China was much lower. The immediate actions taken to reduce the dioxins releases will ensure a sound and timely control of dioxins release in China.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期71-74,共4页 Environmental Pollution & Control
关键词 二噁英 排放清单 比较研究 dioxins release inventory comparison study
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