
生态蝴蝶园的类型与建设 被引量:14

Major types of ecological butterfly gardens and their constructions
摘要 蝴蝶园作为可持续性利用的生态产业在世界范围内广为营建,尤其在发达国家。人们在工作之余来到生态环境优美的蝴蝶园,可以愉悦心情、享受自然,感悟人与自然和谐的美妙。我国生态蝴蝶园的产业属起步阶段,在温带地区的冬天、初春和秋末气温低,宜建封闭式温室型蝴蝶园,人为(电脑)控制室内的温度、湿度;在热带、南亚热带地区,全年大多数时间有蝴蝶活动,宜建开放式和封闭式网型蝴蝶园。本研究依据蝴蝶生态学的原理,首次提出了复式蝴蝶园的概念并在实践中获得良好的效果。复式蝴蝶园必须有森林生态的环境条件,地理位置处于原始林、次生林边缘的地方可以营建复式蝴蝶园,其类型是在开放式蝴蝶园中,建特定蝶种的封闭式网型蝴蝶园,选定的特定蝶种应属于大型、美丽和飞翔较缓慢的类群,以供人们观蝶和赏蝶;在出入封闭式网型蝴蝶园的人行道两旁种植上蜜源植物,在远离人行道的地方种植原生态蝶种的寄主植物,形成蜜源植物、寄主植物和封闭式网型蝴蝶园内蝶类发出的性信息素的三种引诱作用,吸引自然界中的蝴蝶在蜜源植物处群集,从而形成封闭式网型蝴蝶园外的开放式蝴蝶园。复式蝴蝶园兼有开放式和封闭式网型蝴蝶园的功能,是蝴蝶生态产业的新发展,它提升了蝶园的生动性、可看性与生态效益。 The construction of butterfly gardens as a sustainably utilized eco-industry is widespread across the world, especially in developed countries. People can joy themselves, enjoy the natural beauty and taste the sweetness of harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature by visiting those butterfly gardens with beautiful environments during their off-work hours. The industrialization of ecological butterfly gardens in China is just in its starting stage. In the temperate zone, the closed type of butterfly gardens with computerized control of inner garden temperature and moisture content should be constructed as the temperature is usually low in winter and even at the end of autumn and the beginning of spring seasons, while in the tropical and south subtropical areas, the opened type or/and the closed-net type of butterfly gardens should be established as butterflies are relatively active all year-round. Based on the principles of ecology of butterflies, this study first proposed a concept of multiple butterfly gardens and applied this concept in the construction of butterfly gardens. The construction of multiple butterfly gardens requires forest environmental conditions and places on the edges of virgin forests and secondary forests can be used for constructing multiple butterfly gardens. The featured assignments of such multiple butterfly gardens are to set up a closed-net type butterfly garden which feeds some specific, largeized and slowflying species of butterflies within the opened type garden; to grow some honey source plants on the two sides of footpaths walking into and away from the closed-net type garden in the opened type garden and to grow host plants for local species of butterflies in places far away from the footpaths. The honey source plants, host plants and the sex exohormone released by butterflies in the closed-net type garden will forminducements attracting butterflies in the wild to gang up around the honey plants so that an opened type butterfly garden can be formed outside the closed-net type garden. The multiple butterfly gardens combine all the functions of closed-net butterfly gardens and opened butterfly gardens. This new development of butterfly eco-industry will make butterfly gardens become more lively, enjoyable and ecologically beneficial.
作者 顾茂彬
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 2008年第2期167-171,共5页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
关键词 蝴蝶园 生态 植物 类型 建设 butterfly garden ecology plant type construction
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