
气液喷流与超声速凹腔流场的相互作用 被引量:1

Interaction between gas/liquid injection and supersonic flow over cavities
摘要 为了解凹腔火焰稳定器的工作过程,通过试验和数值仿真手段,对超声速条件下凹腔的流动特性进行了深入细致的研究,探讨了气/液喷流与超声速凹腔流动的相互作用机理。研究结果表明,无喷流时超声速凹腔流场具有五个典型的特征;引入喷流会引入新的流场特征,同时流场结构会发生机理性的变化;气/液喷流对凹腔整体流动特征的影响是一致的;有气体喷流时,不同压降下凹腔流场结构是类似的;而对液体喷流而言,提高喷注压降会增加雾化距离、射流穿透度、喷流厚度,提高来流速度则会使其减小。 To comprehend the working process of cavity flame holder, characteristics on supersonic flow over cavities were thoroughly investigated by means of experiments and numerical simulations. Interaction between gas/liquid injection and supersonic cavity flow was studied. Results indicate that there are five traits in supersonic cavity flow field without injection; and injection will introduce new traits to the flow field. The structure will alters in mechanism; both gas and liquid injection produce similar effects on the whole cavity flow field; the structures of flow field with gas injection under different pressure drops are homologous ; as for liquid injection, larger pressure drop leads to increase of atomization length, penetration depth, and spray thickness, while enhancing free stream velocity leads to decrease it.
出处 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期312-317,共6页 Journal of Propulsion Technology
基金 国家"八六三"项目(2002AA723060)
关键词 超音速冲压喷气发动机 超音速流动^+ 凹腔^+ 火焰稳定器 数值仿真 Supersonic combustion ramjet engine Supersonic flow ^+ Cavity ^+ Flame holder Numerical simulation
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