

The Chice of Price in Economic Evoluation of the Geoiogical Operation
摘要 就经济评价本身而言有两个特点,一是费用效益的划分,二是价格选择。费用效益的划分只属于定性的范畴,定量分析只能通过价格才能进行,由此,价格的合理与否对经济评价至关重要。众所周知,我国价格体系不合理,特别是矿产品的价格是偏低的,偏低的现实价格使大部分采矿企业处于微利亏损状态,利用这种现实价格只会影响评价工作的准确性,给决策带来失误。国外一般采用 L-M 法和 UNIDO 法对不合理的价格进行修正。国内提出的几种修正模型,其中“生产价格”和“双渠价格”为多数经济学家承认,一般采用影子价格评阶,取得了较好的效果。数学意义下的影子价格是指当资源约束条件发生微小变化时,所引起的目标函数的变化率。西方学者证明,在完全竞争的条件下也就是最优境界下市场价格即为数学意义下的影子价格。社会主义有计划的商品经济提供了这种可能性,因此我们完全可以通过对现实价格的修正得到较为合理的价格。本文是以煤炭为例来确定影子价格的,投入物本文采用国家计委定期发布的调整系数。产出物为矿产品,我认为合理的矿产价格应包括以下几个方面:1、能够反映矿产品的完全成本。2、考虑了级差地租与绝对地租因素。3、能够大体上获得社会的平均资金利润率。4、反映供求关系。5、反映替代关系。依矿产资源的特点,采取三步达到这种较为合理的价格。第一步:求解煤价(基地煤价);第二步:修正地区价格;第三步:调整质量价格。通过以上几步测得大同煤的坑口价为61.3元/t。同期计算出榆树沟煤矿的评价价格为45.54元/t。从本区需求看,应开采此矿,但从经济上,开采此矿只能给国家带来损失。由此可以断定,本矿不具开采价值,地质工作不应继续进行。本结论与河北地矿三队的结论相反,在此对地矿三队的结论提出异议。 Economic evoluation itself is of two: (a)The division of the cost benifits (b)Choice of the price The first speciality only belongs to the category of qualitative analysis,but the secend mainly belongs to.qualitive analysis.And it is very important in fixing the price of mineral products in the economic evoluation. It is well known that the price system of our country are not rational,the price of mineral products being lower.This make most if the mining companies be in the situation of little benefits or be- benifit,Using the actual price to appraise is to lower the accurat of appraisal work and make the policy decision faulty. Abroad L M method or UNIDO method are generally use to correct price frame.In our country several methods advanced for ideal prie- ce system,among them“Product price Theory”and“Double—track price Theory”have been admitted by most economists.Other depart- ments of our country,such as metellurgical,Chemical Industry,Build- ing Material Departments,adjust actual price by commonly using adjustment,cofficient.It is the first time in this artical to discu- ss and use shadow price in geological prospecting works. The shadow price,with its mathematical meaning of the binding conditions of resources havind small changes has been proved by wes- tern scholars that the market price under the condition of complet competition is just the shadow price with the meaning of mathe- matical projecting.Socialist planned goods economy have provided the kind of possibility.That is to say,we can completely get m- ore rational price by correcting the actul price. This article actually fixes shadow price by coal as an illustr- ation,the input object take from other departments.It is thoug ht rational price of mineral products shold include the following aspects: (a)To reflect the following whole cost of mineral products, (b)To consider the influance of differentical rents and ad- solute rents。 (c)To reflect the replating relations among product. (d)To reflect the supply—demend relation of product. (e)To gain generl social average profit。 Considering the charactes of mineral resourcers,we can get m- ore rational price by the flowing three steps.The first step,us- ing input—output table to caculate the basic price of raw coal。 The secend step,adjusting regional price difference of row coal。 The third step,correcting price difference of qaulity.Through the step,we have made out the price of Datong coal that is 61.3Y- uan/dun,Yushugou coal of 45.54 Yuan/dun. This coal mine can be exploited according to the supply and demand of this region,but it can't be exploited.Now,and geological work must be stop! Just the justment of this article defferent from the three leader He Bei。
作者 赵淑琴
出处 《河北地质学院学报》 1990年第4期482-490,共9页
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