
中国在职数学教师专业发展的挑战与机遇 被引量:13

Challenges and Opportunities of In-service Mathematics Teacher Professional Development in China
摘要 我国具有连贯一致的教师专业发展体系和一套传统的、系统化的教研制度,教师具有坚实的学科知识和大量的机会观摩有经验教师的教学。大部分中学教师赞同新课程的理念,实施新课程中的挑战有:功利性评价,缺乏数学知识的深刻理解,难以把握新教材的处理,难以驾驭活动式的课堂,缺乏熟练使用信息技术以及学生的两极分化,不同学段相互脱节。理想的在职教师培训模式有:基于案例的集中报告,专家引领的校本教研活动,跨校、区的围绕相同主题教学的比较研究和基于网络资源的共享模式。 This study aimed to investigate the needs and challenges of in-service secondary mathematics teacher professional development in China and promising approaches for enhancing teacher professional development. The study adopted a semi-structure interview method and the grounded-theory approach to examine relevant views held by 19 different insiders, including mathematics teaching researcher, mathematics educator, and secondary mathematics key teacher and mathematics textbook developer. The findings of this study not only had practical implications for secondary mathematics teacher development, but also made certain contributions to the theoretical develooment of mathematics teacher education in China.
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2008年第3期32-38,共7页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 澳门大学研究项目——《理解和促进中国数学教学》(Cativono.:2566)
关键词 数学教育 数学教师 专业发展 课程改革 mathematics education mathematics teacher professional development curriculum reform
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