
系泊船舶在不规则波中慢漂振荡的马尔可夫模型 被引量:3

Markov Modeling for Slow Drift Oscillations of Moored Vessels in Irregular Waves
摘要 一艘在非高斯慢漂波浪力激励下的系泊船舶的响应被用一个连续的马尔可夫过程来建模。提出了一个数值路径积分解法来计算该艘船舶的响应统计。该数值路径积分法是基于Gauss-Legendre插值方案,响应概率密度值是在子区间内的高斯分点上获得的。显示该数值路径积分解法有独特的能力在很低概率水平时生成精确解,这在系统可靠性分析时有重要意义。 The response of a moored vessel excited by slowly varying non-Gaussian wave drift forces is modeled as a continuous Markov process. A numerical path integral solution method is proposed to calculate the response statistics of the moored vessel. The numerical path integral solution is based on the Gauss-Legendre interpolation scheme,and the values of the response probability density are obtained at the Gauss quadrature points in sub-intervals. It is demonstrated that the path integral solution method has the unique capability of producing solutions that are accurate at very low probability levels. This is of great significance in the system reliability analysis.
出处 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2008年第3期368-376,共9页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
关键词 系泊船舶 慢漂振荡 马尔可夫过程 路径积分解法 moored vessel slow drift oscillations Markov process path integral solution
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