目的:探讨注射用胶原酶-肝素诱导建立大鼠脑出血模型的可行性和特点。方法:应用生理盐水配制注射用胶原酶和肝素混合液(每微升含胶原酶0.25U、肝素1.25U),将此混合液3μl定位注射至大鼠右侧尾状核,对照组注射等量生理盐水,分别观察大鼠术后6、24、48、72、96 h和6 d的神经行为学评分、血肿体积、组织病理变化。结果:对照组大鼠未见明显的神经功能缺损和脑血肿形成,而注射用胶原酶-肝素注射组大鼠出现不同程度的神经功能缺损,以脑出血24 h组最重(P<0.05);血肿体积于术后24 h达到高峰,48 h后开始缩小,6 d时部分吸收,且组织病理学观察也表现为典型的脑出血改变。结论:注射用胶原酶-肝素注射可以诱导建立稳定理想的大鼠脑出血模型,重复性好、成功率高、价格低廉、易于获得,值得推广应用。
Objective :To investigate the feasibility and characteristics on model of cerebral hemorrhage induced by collagenase for injection and heparin in rats.Methods:Injecting mixed solution of collagenase(0.25 u/μl) and heparin(0.125 u/μd) 3 μd into the right caudate nucleus of rats and the same dose saline (3 μ1) in the control groups. The scales of neurological behavior, volume of hematoma, histopathology were observed at 6h,24h,48h,72h,96h and 6d after injection. Results:There were no neurological defect and heraatoma in the control groups. Rats in the groups receirved coLlagenase-heparin showed neurological defect in various degree,and the most severe change was observed after injected 24h (P〈0.05).The volume of hematoma reached peak at hemorrhage 24h ,and most of hematoma were absorbed at 6d.There were typical changes of histopathology in hematoma area. Conclusion:Cerebral hemorrhage model in rats were eastablished by injection collagenase and heparin is ideal and reliable and the model is worth spreading because of satisfactory replication and high rate of success.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health