
低压低功耗电流模CMOS带隙基准电路 被引量:6

Low-Voltage/Low-Power Current Mode CMOS Bandgap Reference Circuit
摘要 提出了一种解决电流模带隙基准电路的第三简并态问题的处理方法,设计了一个完整的低压低功耗带隙电路。通过在电路启动时关断导致产生第三简并态的电流通道并监测电路关键节点电压的方法,控制电路的启动过程,使电路在启动时避开第三简并态,进入正常工作状态。HSPICE仿真结果显示,该电路的输出基准电压为793.6mV,温度漂移系数可低达10ppm/℃,电源电压大于1V即可正常工作;在电源电压为1.5V时,功耗小于5μW。 A solution to third-equilibrium state problem in current-mode bandgap reference voltage circuit was presented, and a low-voltage/low-power bandgap reference IC was designed. In this circuit, the start-up process was controlled by shutting off sub-circuits leading to the third-equilibrium state and detecting voltages at the key node when the circuit was starting up, which could conduct the circuit into the normal operation state, instead of the third equilibrium state HSPICE simulation results showed that the bandgap reference circuit had an output voltage of 795 mV and a temperature coefficient as low as 10 ppm/℃, and it dissipated less than 5μW of power at 1.5 V supply.
出处 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期449-452,456,共5页 Microelectronics
关键词 电流模 带隙基准源 第三简并态 电源抑制比 温度系数 Current mode Bandgap reference source Third-equilibrium state PSRR Temperature coefficient
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