Objective It is observed on the morphology and ultrastructure whether the endothelial cells of the corneas preserved by desiccation have activities.Method The endothelial cells of the corneas preserved by desiccation of rabbits rhesus monkey and Human for various duration were actively stained by 0 2% alizarin red S and 0 25% trypan blue respecticely,the endothelial cells of norrmal fresh corneas as control.At one time,ultrastructures of the corneas preserved by desiccation were observed under electron microscope.Results The endothelial hexagonal cellular border of normal fresh corneas were clear and nucleus appeared light blue,but the endothelial cellular borders of corneas preserved by desiccation were no clear,however staining and density of the endothelial cellular nuclei between fresh and corneas preserved by desiccation all but were no difference.Under electron microscopy,the endothelial cells arranged in mosaics like with hexagonal borders of the corneas preserved by desiccation could no be seen,there were vacuoles between the cells,but could be cellular outline.Nucleus chromatin had pyknosis but no karyolysis.Vacuoles in cytoplasm could be seen but also organellae and microvilli on the cellular membrane of Human.Conclusion Although the endothelial cells of the corneas preserved by desiccation have clearly no vital signs yet have vital signs.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology