
皮克林的“社会建构论解释”与“科学家的解释”之分歧--试析关于高能物理学史的一场争论 被引量:1

The Dissension between Pickering's Constructivism Account and Scientists' Account——A Debate on the History of HEP
摘要 文章分析了安德鲁.皮克林(Andrew Pickering)在其《建构夸克》中对二十世纪六、七十年代高能粒子物理学史所作的"社会建构论解释",指出皮克林从一种新的视角来阐述粒子物理学的发展史,拟解释科学家在面对竞争的理论假说和不同的实验结果时的选择判断问题。他的解释导致了一些激进的结论,受到一些科学家及科学哲学家的批评。皮克林与科学家之间的主要分歧在于科学形象的两种描述模式之争。理清这一争论的实质对于理解"科学大战"的根源,对于沟通科学文化与人文文化必有一定的借鉴意义。 In his Constructing Quarks,Andrew Pickering drew out his constructivism account about the history of HEP in 1960-70.He wanted to explicate scientists' judgment on the dispute of datum and theories,but his account leaded to some radical conclusion,which incurred critical from the circle of physicists and philosophers of science.The dissension between Pickering's account and scientists' was mainly that of explaining model.It is meaningful to analyze the causation of this dispute when we face the 'Science War' and when we want to bridge between scientific culture and humanities culture.
作者 王延峰 刘兵
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期43-48,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 “清华大学人文社科振兴基金建构主义科学编史学研究项目”之部分成果
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