

Dried bean curd, the booming season is coming
摘要 豆腐,据载是2000年前的西汉时期,淮南王刘安门下术士为求仙丹偶然所得。豆腐的发明是中国食品史上的一项伟大创举,被誉为“东方龙脑”、“中华民族的国粹”、“中国第一菜”。 Soybean curd,with more than 2000 years history in China, has derived various products.With lifestyle enhancing,snack products are becoming a mainstream in market,considering the advantages in health and flavour.Dried bean curd as a kind of soy snack really fits consumers' preferences.So we are con- vinced that a booming season is just around corner. We recently conducted an overall research on China mar- ket of dried bean curd snacks,in aspects of market environment, current products characteristics,consumers,distribution channels,etc.Through the investigation,we notice the demand of branded soy snacks ex- ceeds supply,which leads manufacturers to enlarge production capacity. According to an estimation released from authority,in next 10 years,the demand of dried bean curd in China could reach about 4.68 million tons.That means 20 billion Yuan market volumes and 30% to 40% annual increase at least. Moreover,traditional soy foods industry has impact on the benefit of farmers and thus will be supported by policy. However,the industry is calling for leading enterprises having influential brands.Because on one hand,the leading enterprises generally can setup examples showing the way to development,and on the other hand,the soy snack industry still requires large scale production and industrial criteria. How to create an influential brand? Product positioning is the first priority.Enterprises shall consider two aspects,one is the tendency of the industry,the other is enterprise positioning. Also,product design is far more important.Both of packaging style and shape should be concerned. Specifically speaking,in the aspect of technique,we should focus on product quality and how to scientifically control the flavor and taste.As for price strategy,low price is not recommended,especially at the moment of raw materials price rising.Also,traditional channel and terminal channel should be combined properly to ensure the sales and brand creation simultaneously.
机构地区 尚阳咨询公司
出处 《中国食品工业》 2008年第5期20-20,22,共2页 China Food Industry
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