

Digital Compensation First-order Lowpass Filter in the CCD Readout Circuit
摘要 CCD读出电路中低通滤波器在改善系统输出信噪比的同时,不可避免地会产生像素串扰,造成信息畸变。本文针对CCD读出电路中像素串扰造成的信息畸变问题进行理论分析,推导出信息畸变度与一阶低通模拟滤波器截止频率的关系。并针对视频模拟滤波电路中高阶滤波器的实现困难,提出一种数字补偿式一阶低通模拟滤波器的设计方法,该方法根据本文对信息畸变理论的分析,采用一阶低通滤波器,在满足信息畸变度的前提下,极大降低系统截止频率,达到了应用系统的带宽要求,从而可以在应用系统设计中以一阶滤波器替代高阶滤波器。并设计实验进行验证,证明了该方法的正确性与有效性。 The lowpass filter in the CCD readout circuit inevitably results in information distortion of pixel crosstalk while improving the system signal-to-noise. To solve the information distortion caused by the pixel crosstalk in the CCD readout circuit, the relation between the information distortion and the cut-off frequency of the first-order lowpass filter was deduced. On the basis of information distortion theory analysis, a new method of digital compensation first-order lowpass filter was proposed to resolve high order filter's realization inconvenience. The proposed method adopted first-order lowpass filter to design the CCD readout circuit. The designed first-order filter may greatly reduce the cut-off frequency and at the same time satisfy the system information distortion degree. So the designed first-order filter may be substitute for high order filter in the application system. Finally, the validity and feasibility of the method are verified by the elaborate experiment.
出处 《光电工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期135-140,共6页 Opto-Electronic Engineering
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2005AA420290)
关键词 像素串扰 读出电路 一阶滤波器 CCD pixel crosstaik readout circuit first-order filter CCD
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