
宽带钢拉矫过程中延伸率损失现象的有限元仿真研究 被引量:4

Loss of elongation in tension levelling of wide strip
摘要 针对宽带钢拉矫过程中的"延伸率损失"现象,通过对拉矫过程中带钢三维弹塑性变形的有限元仿真,得出拉矫过程中带钢长度、厚度和宽度方向变形的定量关系。发现厚度和宽度方向变形对带钢延伸率都有影响,并且仅与带钢材质有关而不受工艺参数和带钢规格等因素影响,反映了拉矫过程中带钢变形的特点。因此,拉矫生产中无法消除的"延伸率损失"是由于忽略带钢宽度方向变形而造成的假相。在此基础上提出了实测延伸率修正计算公式。 Loss of elongation happens in the course of tension levelling. In this paper, quantitative relation concerning the deformation of strip length, thickness and width in direction has been obtained by means of finite element simulation of three - dimensional elastic - plastic deformation of the strip in tension leveling. The fact is discovered that the deformation of both thickness and width in direction has contributed to the elongation and the percentage elongation associates with material only, which shows the feature of the deformation in strip tension levelling. Hence the conclusion that loss of elongation is pseudo - phase caused in neglecting the deformation of width in direction. Then update calculation formula of elongation is proposed.
出处 《重型机械》 2008年第3期11-14,共4页 Heavy Machinery
关键词 带钢 拉矫 延伸率 有限元仿真 三维 strip tension levelling elongation finite element simulation three-dimensional
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