Electrocochlegraphy (ECochG), auditory brainstem response, pure tone audiometry and electronystagmusgraphy (ENG) were recorded on 101 patients with CPA tumorsproved by CT, MRI or surgery. The results showed that most of the patients had prolonged ABR I ~ V intervals (>4. 5ms), only wave I appeared or ABR wave formsdisappeared. When CPA tumor became larger, it could cause abnormal ABR on the opposite side. The incidence of AP in ECochG was decreased as the tumorsize increased.The -SP/AP ratio ≥0. 4 might indicate that the cochlea was damaged. In patients withprofound hearing loss (35. 5%), abnormal ABR could also be found. So in these patients the ABR test was necessary. In patients with less hearing loss or even normalhearing the ABR could also be abnormal. Five of 101 patients had normal ABR, but abnormal semicircular canal function. This result suggested that vestibular test was helpful for the diagnosis of CPA tumors.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg