
利用行为监测数据对吸毒者艾滋病干预项目进行定量评估的研究 被引量:4

Quantitative evaluation of HIV prevention program for IDUs using behavioral surveillance survey data
摘要 目的探索利用现有行为监测数据,对吸毒者艾滋病干预项目进行定量评估的方法和可行性。方法采用准实验设计,设立干预地区和对照地区,干预前后监测吸毒者行为改变情况,并评估干预效果。结果干预地区吸毒者最近1次针具共用率从2003年的17.1%下降到2005年的7.0%;最近1个月针具共用率从42.4%下降到18.4%,对照地区没有下降;其他指标干预地区也好于对照地区。结论在设计较好的前提下,利用现有监测数据对吸毒者艾滋病干预项目进行定量评估是可行的,但应综合考虑各种因素。 Objective To explore feasibility of quantitative evaluation of HIV prevention program for injecting drug users(IDUs)using existing behavioral surveillance survey(BSS)data. Method Intervention and control areas were established by quasi-experimental design, behavioral changes in IDUs were monitored pre-and post-intervention and the effectiveness of interventions was assessed. Result The rate of needle sharing at the last drug use among iDUs decreased from 17.1% in 2003 to 7.0% in 2005 and the rate at the latest month decreased from 42.4% to 18.4% in the intervention area whereas the figure remained unchanged in the control area,and so did other indicators.Conclusion It is feasible to conduct quantitative evaluation of HIV prevention program for IDUs using BSS data on the condition of a good study design, and at the same time multi-factors should be considered.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2008年第3期251-253,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 艾滋病 行为监测 干预 评价 AIDS Behavioral surveillance survey Intervention Evaluation
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