
悲伤情绪的积极调节及其对震后心理援助的启示 被引量:7

Positive Regulation of Sad Emotions and Its Implications to Post-quake Mental Health Aid
摘要 积极情绪在悲伤调节中扮演着重要角色,积极情绪能降低悲伤情绪体验,抵消悲伤情绪的损害效果,恢复心理资源。成分操作理论、创伤后成长理论和压力应对理论分别解释了慢性悲伤背景下积极情绪产生的原因。未来研究应该进一步考虑悲伤问卷的改进,积极情绪的区分以及临床面谈策略选择等问题。此外,提出了对震后心理援助的启示。 Positive emotions play an important role in regulation of sadness, which may help to reduce the sad mood experience, offset the damaging effects of negative emotions and restore mental resources. Opponent process theory, posttraumatic growth theory and coping theory explain how positive emotions are generated in the context of stress respectively. Further research is needed to emphasize the improvement of sadness questionnaires, measurement of positive emotions and choice of intervention strategies. Finally, constructive suggestions are put forward for the mental health aid after earthquake.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期73-78,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 北京市创新平台项目“青少年身心健康的脑作用机理及行为调控模式研究”(PXM2007-014206-042181)资助
关键词 积极情绪 拓展-建构理论 悲伤调节 应对理论 positive emotion broaden - and - build theory regulation of sadness coping theory
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