文中在TI Davinci平台的基础上研究了安全VoIP视频电话终端的设计与实现,通过研究SIP通信中存在的注册劫持、服务器伪装、消息篡改等一系列安全威胁,针对SIP的安全问题改进了INVITE消息格式,采用优化算法的DSP加密子系统,并结合PKI、USBkey等技术提出了一套针对VoIP系统安全问题的完整解决方案,该方案包括基于PKI数字证书、扩展SIP协议格式的实体认证机制和基于PKI的SIP消息体加密机制,并使用了USBkey智能密码钥匙以保证PKI数字证书存储的安全性。
This paper describes the design and implementation of the safe VoIP video phone system based on TI Davinci platform. It analyzes a series of problems existing in the SIP protocol, such as registration hijacking, server camouflage, distorting information attacks, conversation termination attack and so on. To solve the security problem in SIP protocol, an improved INVITE message format using PKI technology is presented. It uses the DSP encryption subsystem with optimized algorithms. Finally, based on these security technologies such as PKI and USBkey, a complete secure VoIP scheme is proposed. It includes entity authentication mechanism and SIP message encryption based on extended SIP form and PKI Digital Certificate. The scheme also use the USBkey to ensure the security of the PKI storage.
Communications Technology