
WRAN系统频谱感知研究 被引量:2

Study on Spectrum Sensing of WRAN System
摘要 IEEE802.22WRAN系统使用动态频谱接入。它有效提高了频谱利用率。频谱感知是WRAN系统的关键技术。文章首先对WRAN系统和频谱感知进行了简要介绍。然后,从三个方面对频谱感知进行了研究,包括频谱感知要求,频谱感知功能和频谱感知方案。 IEEE802.22WRAN system uses dynamic spectrum access and thus effectively improves the spectrum efficiency. Spectrum sensing is the key technology of the WRAN system. This paper first briefs the WRAN system and the spectrum sensing. Then, three aspects of spectrum sensing are studied, including sensing requirements,sensing function and sensing plan.
出处 《通信技术》 2008年第6期170-172,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 WRAN系统 频谱感知 感知要求 感知功能 感知方案 WRAN system spectrum sensing sensing requirements sensing function sensing plan
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