
我国国际展会专业观众满意度影响因素分析 被引量:7

Analysis of Factors Influencing Professional Visitors' Satisfaction of International Exhibition in China
摘要 基于国外顾客满意度研究理论和模型,结合会展行业特征,构建我国国际展会专业观众满意度影响因素模型。运用结构方程模型(SEM),利用SPSS和AMOS软件,定量分析其主要影响因素。研究表明:组展商营销服务水平对专业观众满意度影响最大,其次是展会现场管理水平和展会硬件设施条件;展会品牌、组展商品牌及接待服务水平影响较小。不过它们均通过影响专业观众的感知价值间接作用于满意度。最后,提出三点启示和建议。 According to overseas customer satisfaction theory and model, considering MICE features, the Exhibition -visitors'Satisfaction Model is built up. Then, SEM is taken to analyze the satisfaction factors by means of SPSS and AMOS software. It is found that exhibition marketing is the most important factor, followed by situation management and exhibition facility; exhibition trademark and organizer's trade also determine somewhat satisfaction index. But they all exert indirect influence on customer satisfaction through the perceivedservice quality. Finally, three suggestions are proposed.
作者 何天祥
出处 《湖南商学院学报》 2008年第3期27-30,共4页 Journal of Hunan Business College
基金 教育部2007年度人才培养模式创新试验区建设项目<旅游管理人才培养与行业互动创新试验区>的阶段性成果
关键词 专业观众 顾客满意度 结构方程模型 国际展会 professional visitors customer satisfaction SEM, international exhibition
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