
作为修辞行为的“新词语”发布——基于“2006年汉语新词语”知晓度测试的分析 被引量:4

The Release of "New Words and Expressions " by Way of Rhetoric Behavior——The Analysis of the Test of Understanding Degree about "Chinese New Words and Expressions in 2006"
摘要 任何言语行为都是修辞行为,任何修辞行为总是与一定的"说话者"相联系的,新词语的"发布"行为同样如此,不同的身份发布新词语的社会意义并不相同。最近,《中国语言生活状况报告(2006)》课题组发布了171条2006年汉语新词语,引起媒体、读者和专家的广泛关注,网上的声音一半是"不懂",一半是"质疑"。对于这些"新词语",我们作了"知晓度测试",发现其平均接触率、使用率和理解率都超乎寻常的低。对于这样的"新词语",需要密切关注,应该及时发布,但是以什么身份发布,面向谁发布,却是值得思考的。面向整个语言共同体,尤其是在语言政策主管部门领导下的机构面向整个语言共同体发布新词语,不能不注意其流通度和知晓度问题,发布知晓度过低的新词语客观上很可能成为一种"推介行为",这也许是发布者始料未及的。 All speech behaviors are rhetoric behaviors, and any rhetoric behavior always relates with certain "talker" . The "release" of new words and expressions has to comply with the same principle, and new words and expressions's social meaning is not same if they are released by different identities. Recent- ly, the problem group of Language Situation in China: 2006 has released 171 pieces of Chinese new words and expressions in 2006. It has caused mediums, readers and experts' extensive concerns. The voices on the net can be divided into two halves. One is "do not understand", and the other is "query". So we made the test of "understanding degree" about these "new words and expressions" and find that their average contact rate, utilization rate and comprehension rate is much lower than usual. These new words and ex- pressions need to be closely concerned and should be released in time. And it should be thought carefully about who to release and face who. When the organization especially under the leadership of the department in charge of language policy is going to release new words and expressions in the face of the whole language community, it have to notice the problems about circulating degree and understanding degree. The release of new words and expressions whose understanding degree is much low likely become a kind of " popularization behavior" from the objective angle. And this perhaps is not anticipated by the promulgators at the beginning.
作者 陈佳璇
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期46-52,共7页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 2005年韩山师范学院青年基金资助项目。项目名称:基于语料库研究和易读性分析的现代汉语字母词语用规范研究
关键词 2006年 新词语 知晓度测试 规范行为 推介行为 in the year of 2006, new words and expressions, the test of understanding degree, normalization behavior, popularization behavior.
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  • 1国家语言资源监测与研究中心.中国语言生活状况报告:2006,下编[M].北京:商务印书馆,2007.
  • 2教育部公布《中国语言生活状况报告(2006)》,列出了171条汉语新词语[OL].http://bbs.3hlb.com/thread-16250-1-1.html.
  • 3广州日报2007年8月19日第A5版:国内评论171条汉语新词语90%的词没看过也没听[OL].http://gzdaily.dayoo.com/html/2007-08/19/content_29825.htm.
  • 4教育部公布的171条汉语新词语中,语文教师也不解其意[OL].http://bbs.tiexue.net/bbs_114.html.
  • 5李宇明.发布年度新词语的思考[OL].http://www.gmw.cn/content/2007-08/24/content_660411.htm.
  • 6汤涌,郑轶.171条新词诞生记[OL].http://news.sohu.com/20070829/n251847458.shtml.
  • 7胡范铸.从修辞方式到言语行为.修辞学习,2004,(1).











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