2Mexander L. George et al. , The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy: Laos, Cuba, Vietnam (1^st ed. ), Boston: Little, Brown, 1971.
3Gary Schaub, "Compellence: Resuscitating the Concept", in Lawrence Freedman ed. , Strategic Coercion: Concepts and Cases, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1998, p. 38.
4Walter Peterson, "Deterrence and Compellence: A Critical Assessment of Conventional Wisdom", International Studies Quarterly, Summer 1986, p. 270.
5Eric Herring, Danger and Opportunity, p. 14, 30.
6Gary Schaub, "Compellence : Resuscitating the Concept", pp. 43 - 44.
7Gordon A. Craig and Alexander L. George, Force and Statecraft: Diplomatic Problems of Our Time ( 3^rd ed. ) , New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, p. 196.
8Alexander L. George and William E. Simons eds. , The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy,p. 2.
9Paul Gordon Lauren, "Theories of Bargaining with Threats of Force: Deterrence and Coercive Diplomacy", in Paul Gordon Lauren ed. , Diplomacy: New Approaches in History, Theory,and Policy, New York: The Free Press, 1979, p. 198.
10Alexander L. George and Richard Smoke,Deterrence in American Foreign Policy, p. 72.