
基于逆向工程的牙周膜建模及有限元计算方法 被引量:2

Modeling and FEM Analysis of the Periodontal Ligament Based on Reverse Engineering during Orthodontics Treatment
摘要 力是正畸过程中使得牙齿移动的主要决定因素,在牙齿移动的初始阶段,力与牙齿移动的速率存在近似线性关系。由CATIA软件的逆向工程模块获得牙齿的CAD模型,在有限元软件中根据实际情况将磨牙、牙周膜、牙槽骨拼合并施加与实际正畸过程相一致的边界约束和作用力,进行数值计算,分析牙周膜的应力与正畸力的关系,为正畸医生提供参考。 Force is the main factor that makes the tooth move during orthodontics treatment. At the beginning stage there seems to be a linear relationship between the velocity of the tooth ambulation and the amplitude of the orthodontics force. In this example we acquire three-dimensional tooth model using CAD software CATIA, then splice assemble tooth, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone together and apply boundary constraint and orthodontics force according to practice carried out by finite element software ABAQUS. After numerical simulation a conclusion can be draw conceming the relationship between stress and orthodontic force, to which the dentist can refer.
作者 韦亮 汤文成
出处 《机械制造与自动化》 2008年第3期17-20,共4页 Machine Building & Automation
关键词 正畸 逆向工程 曲面建模 orthodontics treatment reverse engineering surface modeling
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