
关于旋转载体用硅微机械陀螺信号研究 被引量:3

Research on the signal of micro-machined silicon gyroscope for rotating carrier
摘要 在硅微机械陀螺研究中,利用硅微机械陀螺信号来获取旋转载体的偏转方向和偏转角度是两个很重要的问题。首先介绍利用相位法获取旋转载体的偏转方向理论,然后详细讨论利用包络积分的方法来获取偏转角度大小的思想。相位法确定偏转方向是利用重力加速度计作为参考信号,利用陀螺与重力加速度计信号的相位差判断载体的偏转方向。积分法确定偏转角度大小,主要是用单片机采样代表载体偏转角速度大小的陀螺信号的峰值点,然后再对时间积分,求出偏转角度的大小。 It's important to get the deflexion direction and the deflexion angle by the signal of gyroscope in the research on the gyroscope. This paper makes a detailed discussion of an envelope integral method for getting deflexion angle, and also gives a introduction to the issue of getting deflexion direction in the phase method. In order to get deflexion direction, the signal of gravity acceleration-meter as reference is needed and then the signal of the gyroscope and gravity acceleration-meter are compared. The phase differences are then figured out. At last, the deflexion direction is made out by the phase difference. Using MCU to find out the peak value of the gyroscope signal and the integral to time,the deflexion angle is counted out.
出处 《北京机械工业学院学报》 2008年第2期5-9,共5页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60627001) 北京市传感器重点实验室开放课题(KM200710772017)
关键词 微机械陀螺 偏转方向 偏转角度的大小 micro-machined gyroscope deflexion direction deflexion angle
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