
信号变换处理方法在公路观测中的应用 被引量:1

Application of signal transform method to highway observation
摘要 公路地质雷达观测采用单天线往复观测方式时工作量大且判读不便,各类噪声干扰会对地质雷达测线数据判读精度产生很大影响.为解决这一问题,通过数据内在格式的解读生成镜像数据,通过数据的积分变换来增强有效信号,通过绘图模块生成的波形图来分析公路检测对象地质特征,并且达到了与并行观测同样的数据效果,减少了数据采集工作量,提高了数据判断精度. In consideration of the fact that the workload was large and it was difficult to make correct judgment when the single antenna reciprocating observation was adopted in geological radar detection of highways, and that the data judgment precision of geological radar measurement was seriously influenced by all kinds of noise disturbances, the signal transform method was applied to highway observation. By interpretation of internal data format to generate mirror data and by using the integral transformation of the data to intensify the effective signal and reduce noise disturbances, the geological characteristics of the objectives to be detected were analyzed according to the wavefonn diagram generated by the graphic module, and the same data effect as that of the parallel observation could be reached. The present method decreases the workload in data acquisition and improves the precision of data judgment.
出处 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期125-128,共4页 Journal of Hohai University(Natural Sciences)
基金 江苏省软科学计划项目(BR2006033)
关键词 信号变换 Z变换 镜像处理 signal transform Z-transform mirror transaction
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