
活性炭纤维吸附低体积分数苯的实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental study on benzene adsorption by activated carbon fibers at low concentrations
摘要 研究了黏胶基活性炭纤维(activated carbon fiber,ACF)对非极性苯蒸汽的吸附。活性炭纤维比颗粒活性炭具有更高的吸附能力和更快的吸附动力且能有效去除挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs),活性炭纤维吸附剂其比表面积与孔结构通过氮吸附来表征。活性炭纤维样品上的苯吸附与脱附则通过热重方法测量,用DR方程对实验得到的吸附等温线进行拟合。实验结果表明,吸附量随活性炭纤维比表面积的增加而增加,而脱附过程则需100 min左右。 The adsorption of non-polar benzene vapors by viscose rayon-based activated carbon fiber (ACF) was investigated. ACF were used as the adsorbent because they exhibit higher adsorption capacities and faster adsorption kinetics than granular activated carbons (GAC) and show potential as an adsorbent to effectively remove Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). The surface area and pore texture of ACF were characterized by nitrogen adsorption. Gas adsorption and desorption on the samples were measured by the gravimetric method. The Dubinin-Radushkevich (DR) equation was used to fit the experimental adsorption isotherms. The experimental results showed that adsorption volume increases with the increasing of ACF surface area. And the desorption process takes about 100 minutes.
出处 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期133-137,共5页 Journal of Thermal Science and Technology
基金 国家"863"项目(2006AA5Z228) 教育部重点项目(107113)
关键词 活性炭纤维 氮吸附 苯吸附 脱附 activated carbon fibers nitrogen adsorption benzene adsorption desorption
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