
可修复系统的维修与费用综合权衡研究 被引量:1

Study of Comprehensive Balance Between Cost and Maintenance of Repairable Systems
摘要 为了给决策者提供理论依据,本文从目前维修与费用权衡实际中存在的问题出发,以系统的维修费用和维修后得到的使用可用度为研究对象,以维修资源利用率最大为维修优化目标,建立了维修费用和得到的使用可用度计算模型;定义了维修效果费用比概念,建立了维修效果费用比模型,并将其无量纲化,建立维修效果费用比系数模型。最后进行实例分析,计算结果表明该模型和方法是可行的、正确的,该方法和模型为维修效能与费用综衡研究提供了一种新的方法和思路。 We studied the maintenance cost of a repairable system and its availability alter maintaining, and established its calculation model of maintenance cost and availability, respectively. In order to conveniently select the optimal maintenance project, the concept of availability-cost ratio is defined, the function and the mathematic cal- culation method of availability-cost ratio is given, and the model of availability-cost ratio is established. Availability-cost ratio is then made dimensionless and is defined as the availability-cost ratio coefficient. A model for availability-cost ratio coefficient is established, and its validity and feasibility is verified by an example in practice.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期804-807,共4页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
关键词 维修 费用 维修效果费用比 系数 maintenance cost availability-cost ratio coefficient
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