
喉气管支气管软化症的研究进展 被引量:4

Research Progress in Laryngomalacia and Bronchomalacia
摘要 喉软化是婴儿期最常见的非传染性喘鸣的病因,内镜检查显示,吸气时声门上有异常的下垂。气管软化也可以引起慢性呼吸系统症状,主要是由于相应气管严重狭窄导致喘息,气管软化患者的主要表现是软骨环畸形。喉软化和气管软化可以并存,但是二者有所差异,现就喉软化和气管软化的病因、病理生理、诊断和治疗进行综述。 Laryngomalacia is the most common etiology of non-infectious molluscum in infancy. Endoscopic morphology revealed abnormal droop of sub-glottis structures in inhale. Tracheamalacia may also cause chronic symptom of respiratory system ,which is mainly due to serious stenosis in the corresponding tracheal. The malformation in annulus cartilaginous are observed in most of the patients with tracheomalacia. Laryngomalacia and tracheomalacia may concomitant in one case, although they have certain differences in etiology and pathophysiology. This article reviewed the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of laryngo- malacia and tracheomalacia.
作者 李怡
出处 《医学综述》 2008年第13期2015-2017,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 喉软化 气管软化 进展 Laryngomalacia Tracheomalacia Progress
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