
毛竹林与马尾松林土壤生物学性质及微生物功能多样性比较 被引量:10

Comparison on Soil Biological Properties and Microbial Function Diversities between Phyllostachys heterocycal var.pubescens and Pinus massoniana Forest
摘要 为探讨不同土地利用方式对土壤微生物多样性及土壤质量的影响,采集了毛竹林与马尾松林土壤进行分析。结果表明,马尾松林土壤有机质(TOC)、全氮(T-N)和水解氮(H-N)含量明显高于毛竹林(p<0.05);而土壤有效磷(A-P)和有效钾(A-K)则两者没有差异。马尾松林土壤微生物量碳(MBC)含量明显高于毛竹林(p<0.05)。反映土壤微生物活性的平均吸光值(AWCD)和土壤微生物功能多样性Shannon指数和McIntosh指数,马尾松林土壤同样显著高于毛竹林土壤。以上结果说明,天然马尾松林相比毛竹林具有土壤养分丰富,微生物含量高、活性大,且多样性丰富等特点,是较稳定的生态系统。 Study was made on effect of different land management on soil microbial diversity and soil quality. Analysis on soil of Phyllostachys heterocycal var. pubescens and Pinus massoniana forest demonstrated that total organic carbon(TOC), total nitrogen(T-N) and hydrolysable nitrogen(H-N) content in pine forest was richer than that in bamboo stands, while the content of available phosphorus(A-P) and available potassium(A-K) was similar between two stands. Soil of pine forest had higher microbial biomass carbon (MBC) content than that of bamboo stand (P 〈 0.05). Besides, Shannon index and Mclntosh index showed soil of pine forest had higher microbial activity and microbial function diversities than that of bamboo forest(P〈0.01). It can be concluded that pine system is better than bamboo one from the view of soil quality and ecosystem stability.
出处 《浙江林业科技》 北大核心 2008年第3期8-12,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(30271072) 浙江省自然科学基金(301250) 浙江省"151"人才基金联合资助
关键词 土地利用 土壤养分 土壤微生物量碳 土壤微生物多样性 land management soil nutrient soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) soil microbial functional diversity
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