为了衡量水中结构物在水下爆炸作用下的冲击环境强弱和研究模型与实际结构的相似性,从爆炸入射能量角度提出了一种新型的冲击因子来描述水下爆炸载荷。为验证其有效性,以双层加肋圆柱壳结构为模型,用该新型冲击因子和另外两种常用冲击因子设计了三个系列的工况,使用ABAQU S软件进行了数值实验,从结构的动能、势能和结构的冲击响应谱三个方面对计算结果进行了分析。结果表明,在新型冲击因子相等条件下,结构的动能、势能、冲击谱响应接近,而另外两种形式的冲击因子相等的工况,结构的动能、势能、冲击谱响应有较大差异。其原因为,旧的冲击因子没有考虑冲击波振面的球面特征和爆心与结构的相对位置,难以较好地反映水下爆炸载荷的特性,而新型冲击因子能够弥补上述缺陷。
In order to describe the extreme degree of the impulsive environment on the underwater structure and research on the different between model and real structures, a new kind of impulsive factor from the viewpoint of shock energy is introduced to describe the loading of underwater explosion. ABAQUS software is used to solve and simulate the underwater explosion effects on double stiffened cylindrical structure. The calculation results are analyzed on three aspects such as structure total kinetic energy, structure total potential energy and average spectrum response. The results show that the total impulsive responses of double stiffened cylindrical structure are similar when the new kind of impulsive factor is equal, but they are different when the traditional impulsive factors are equal. Through the synthesize analysis it is concluded that the traditional impulsive factors can not reflect the comparability of underwater explosion loading due to considering the sphere figure of shock waves. This limitation can be solved by using the new impulsive factor.
Shipbuilding of China