In this paper, regional geological setting, modes of occurrences, gold potential of host rock associations and their characteristics as well as alteration sequence of ductile shear type gold deposits are elaborated, with a detailed study of stable isotopes in these deposits. H, O, C, S isotopic analyses of quartz, carbonate minerals and wall rocks show that in ore forming fluids δ 18 O H 2O =-2 1‰~4 9‰, and δ D=-69‰~-112‰, in altered carbonates δ 13 C PDB =-2 0‰~-1 4‰, and δ 18 O SMOW =10‰~20‰, and in gold carrying pyrite δ 34 S=-3 7‰~5 6‰. The premineral fluids possess medium high salinity, the fluids of the ore forming stage are characterized by rich CO 2, seawater implying δ 18 O values and marine carbonate δ 13 C values. Studies demonstrate that instead of corresponding with a certain single fluid source, the ore forming fluids mainly reflect the mixture of metamorphic fluids and saturant thermal brine of mafic rocks formed during diagenesis in the sea basin. Synthesizing the relevant data, the authors have established a genetic model of ductile shear type gold deposits: the rock associations formed in different environments were tectonically juxtaposed during continent arc and continent continent collision in Late Archean, giving birth to forearc melange, island arc system and back arc melange. The above rock associations were subducted to different depths of the Earth′s crust and then metamorphosed and dewatered to produce a vast amount of fluids. A series of reversal ductile shear zones formed in the collision process changed the permeability of the crust and provided passageways for fluids which came from the depth of the crust. The crust was uplifted rapidly during the continuous collision, and the balance of hydrostatic and geostatic pressure in the depth of the crust was disrupted. The metallogenic fluids ascended rapidly along the ductile shear zones which occurred in margins of the central and southern tectonic slices and their neighboring areas. Metallogenic fluids precipitated as a result of the change of the physical and chemical environments, forming ductile shear type gold deposits.
Mineral Deposits
ductile shear type gold deposit, stable isotope, genetic model, Wutai Mountain