Vibriosis is an important bacterial pathogen in the shrimp cultureindustry. Classical techniques of species (strain) identification are hampered by timeconsuming and complicated test protocols. Based on the 16S rRNA sequence data inthe European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), polymerase chain reachon (PCR)primers were designed and synthesized in 1994. The reference strains were Vibriocambellii (isolated and identified by the Microbiology Laboratory, Ocean University ofcyngdao in 1989-1990 from shrimp farm near Qingdao), V. paraheamolyticus and V.alginolyticus (provided by the Microbiology Research InstitUte, Chinese Academy ofSciences in September 1994), and the database accession number were X56575,X56580 and X56576, respechvely. Paired primers PL1 / PL2 were selected for afeasibility study of using them to distinguish 3 test Vibrio species, V.cambellii, Vparaheamolylicus and V.alginolyticus, by PCR and restrichon fragment lengthPolymorphisms (RFLP). PLl covered the sequence from position 166 to position 189and PL2 position 1385 to position 1409 (Escherichia coli numbering). The length ofthe arnplified fragment was 1220 base pairs.Fifty microliters amplification reachon volumes were established. After 30 cycles ofthe following incubationt:1 min at 94℃,1min at 55℃and 1.5min at 72℃, 5μl ofthe reaction mixture was used to eshmate the reachon efficiency on 1% agarose gel.The rest was purifled and digested with 2 unitS of Alu 1 restriction enLzyme. Therestrichon fragmentS were resolved on 2.5% agarose gel.The DNA fragments, asepected, can be amplifled from V. ambellii; V.parahaemo-lyticus and U.alginolyticus DNA extractS in PCR employing PL1 and PL2. Digested byenzyme AluI, the PCR products of those three bacterial species produced three differentprofiles of fragment length. Each species could be rapidly idenhified on the baois oftheir respechve band pattern. The combined uses of PCR and RFLP appear to be apowerful tool for bacterial pathogen identification in shrimp aquaculture. (Plate 1: 1,2)
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica