报道了 1 989~ 1 993年鲈鱼土池人工育苗的研究结果。捕自天然海区、围垦内湾和网箱培育的亲鱼注射 LRH- A与 HCG诱导能顺利排卵 ,产卵率 70 %~ 1 0 0 % ,受精卵卵径 1 .2 5~ 1 .40 mm,浮性卵 ,受精率 2 1 .0 %~ 89.0 % ,在水温 1 8.0~ 2 1 .2℃、盐度 31 .0~ 34.0的条件下 ,一般经 5 0 .6 7h孵出仔鱼 ,孵化率46 .0 %~ 90 .0 %。人工育苗在室外土池进行 ,最高成活率 1 1 .7%。初孵仔鱼全长 3.5 3~ 4.2 8mm,经培育 6 0 d左右变态为幼鱼。 1 989年 ,1 990年 ,1 991年 ,1 992年和 1 993年分别育出幼鱼 2 790 ,2 4770 ,30 741 ,1 1 6 41及 1 0 5 0 0 0尾 ,全长为 2 .33~ 5 .1 6 cm。
The research results of the larval rearing of japanese sea bass in outdoor ponds from 1989 to 1993 are reported in this paper. Broodstock caught from spawning ground or enclosing estuary by floating netcage could be induced to ovulate after treatment with LRH A and HCG. Rate of spawning is 70 % 100 %. The diameter of fertilized egg ranges from 1.25 1.40 mm. Rate of pelagic egg fertilization is 21.0 % 89.0 %. It took 50 hour 40 minute to hatch at temperature 18.0 ℃ 21.2 ℃ and salinity 31.0 34.0. Rate of hatching is 40.0 % 90.0 %. Larval rearing is conducted in outdoor ponds, the best larval survival rate is 11.7 %. The total length of the newly hatched larvae range from 3.53 to 4.28 mm. It took about 60 days for metamorphosis into fingerling. There were 2 790, 24 770, 30 741, 11 641 and 105 000 fingerling produced in 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993, respectively. The total length of fingerling are 2.33 5.16 cm.
Marine Sciences
Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus), Outdoor ponds, Larval rearing