This paper had summerized various Active Contour Model currently used in edge detection in image procession. It was maily divided into two parts. The first part introduced the active contour model about edge detection in image. It start from the famous Snake Model and has discussed its fundamental principle and application areas. It has also pointed out the existing problems of this model and its various improvements, such as T- Snake Model or Dual Snake Model. The second part is about the Geodesic Active Contour Model (GACM). It is a great improvement of the traditional Snake Model. The GACM utilized the Maupertius' s principle and other results from analytic mechanics to improve the traditional active contour model and had made its mathematical representation to be intrinsic. So the GACM is independent from its parametrization. In addition, the GACM had transferred the problem of solving extremity of an energy functional to the problem of solving a geodesic curve in an appropriate Riemannian space. This transference deeply connected the Snake Model with another hot-point in research area: the Level Set theory.
Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
active contour, image process, edge detection, geodesic active contour, level set