
原位生物膜技术去除水源藻类研究 被引量:7

Removal of algae from raw water by biofilm in situ
摘要 考察了原位生物膜技术对水源水中藻类的去除率。试验结果表明:原位生物膜技术对藻类具有较好的去除效果,去除率稳定在80%左右;随着水力停留时间的延长,藻类去除率显著增加。对于除藻而言,水力停留时间5h较为合适。生物膜+高锰酸钾联用技术对藻类的去除率进一步提高,当高锰酸钾投量为0.75mg/L时,藻类去除率可以达到90%。试验期间,原位生物膜技术对有机物、氨氮的去除率分别稳定在40%、80%左右。由此可见,在水源水中采用原位生物膜技术是解决水厂除藻问题的一个重要途径。 The removal rate of algae in raw water by the technology of biofilm in situ was investigated. The results of the test showed that: the algae could be removed efficiently by the biofilm in situ and the algae removal rate were stable at 80%; moreover, with HRT increasing, the algae removal rate was obviously improved. For algae removal, the optimal HRT was 5 h. the removal rate of algae could be further improved by biofilm- potassium permanganate combined technology, when the dosage of potassium permanganate was 0.75 mg/L, the removal rate of algae could reach 90%. During the experiment, the removal rate of organic matters and ammonia nitrogen were stable at about 40% and 80% respectively. Thus it could be seen that, applying biofilm in situ technology in raw water treatment could be an important approach for algae removal in water plant.
出处 《工业用水与废水》 CAS 2008年第3期30-32,共3页 Industrial Water & Wastewater
关键词 原位生物膜技术 高锰酸钾 藻类 水处理 biofilm in situ potassium permanganate algae water treatment
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