
广州市初中学生家庭虐待流行现状分析 被引量:4

Prevalence of Family Abuse Among Junior Middle School Students in Guangzhou
摘要 目的了解广州市中学生家庭虐待情况及流行特征,为政府及相关机构制定儿童保护政策和预防干预措施提供依据。方法在广州市8个区随机抽取16所中学96个初中班级,对所抽班级全体学生进行自填问卷调查,收集近6个月内家庭虐待情况。结果4585名初中生近6个月内遭受言语/精神、躯体和性虐待的发生率分别为79.5%,27.4%和0.5%;言语/精神虐待发生率从高到低依次为生气吼叫(59.5%)、剥夺权利(49.3%)、恐吓(39.4%)、辱骂(37.8%)、咒骂(19.9%)、威胁赶出家(12.7%),平均每人遭受2.75种不同形式言语/精神虐待;轻度、中度、重度躯体虐待发生率分别为23.8%,15.5%和2.7%,以打四肢(16.7%)、扇脸(11.5%)方式为主,掐脖、烧烫、动用锐器伤害等严重虐待发生率低于1%,遭受言语/精神和躯体双重虐待的发生率为26.3%。结论广州市中学生遭受家庭虐待现象十分普遍,以言语/精神虐待最常见,躯体虐待以轻度为主,存在言语/精神与躯体双重虐待以及多种虐待方式并存的特点。 Objective To explore the prevalence and characteristics of child abuse in family among junior middle school students in Guaag-zhou, and to provide bases for child protection policies. Methods All students that selected from 96 classes in 16 middle schools were surveyed with a self-admlnistered questionnaire to study the child abuse in family in the preceding six months. Results The prevalence rate of chihl abuse in family was 79.5% for verbal/mental ahuse, 27.4% for physical abuse and 0.5% for sexual respectively. The prevalence rates of verbal/mental abuse mannets ranged from high to, low were angry bellow(59.5% ) , depriving some rights(49.3%) , terrifying to heating(39.4%) , disgrace(37.8%) , damn(19.9%) and threating unhouse( 12.7% ). The prevalence of ninor, moderate and severe violence were 23.8%, 15.5% and 2.7% respectively. The main manners were beating fuur limbs( 16.7% ) and slapping face(11.5% ). The prevalence rates of severe abuse manners, such as pinching neck, burning and using sharp knife was less than 1%. Everyone suffered 2.75 types of difterent physical or mental abuse mauners on average. As a whole, there was 26.3% students suffered double ahuse. Conclusion Child abuse in family is very common in Guangzhou, and the verbal/ mental abuse is at the highest incidence rate. Double abuse of verbal/mental and physical and muhiform abuse manners occur in child in Guangzhou.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第6期515-516,518,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 虐待 横断面研究 问卷调查 学生 Torture Cross-sectional studies Questionnaires Students
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