
外贸对城乡居民福利的影响分析 被引量:1

The Impact of Foreign Trade on the Welfare of Urban and Rural Residents
摘要 本文基于Stolper—Samuelson定理关于外贸对不同利益群体的福利分配存在不平衡影响的结论,根据中国二元经济的现实,实证分析了进出口对于中国城乡居民的福利影响,结果显示外贸对城镇居民的福利有显著影响,而对农村居民福利没有显著影响。文章分析了形成这种现象的原因,提出了提高外贸竞争力、通过外贸促进农村"城市化"、调整国民收入分配格局等政策建议。 Based on the argument of Stolper - Samuelson theorem about foreign trade having unequal influence on the welfare distribution among different classes, and the character of dualistic economic structure of China, this article analyzed the impact of export and import on the welfare of urban and rural residents, and obtained the conclusion of foreign trade having significant influence on the welfare change of urban residents, while it has not significant influence on welfare of rural residents. This article tried to find the reasons behind and provide relevant suggestions that are enhancing the competitiveness of foreign trade, promoting the urbanization of the country through foreign trade, adjusting the distribution pattern of national income and so on, so as to build harmonious foreign trade strategy.
作者 王静
出处 《兰州商学院学报》 2008年第2期25-30,共6页 Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
关键词 外贸 福利 收入分配 foreign trade welfare income distribution
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