以丙二醇为起始剂 ,在新型乙氧基化催化剂存在下合成出 EO/PO嵌段聚醚型表面活性剂。在催化剂研究的基础上 ,提出了 PCT 1及 PCT 2两种聚合催化剂 ,对催化剂浓度、反应温度及压力等因素对反应的影响进行了讨论 ,确定了反应的最佳工艺条件为 :催化剂浓度 2 .0 %、温度 1 2 0~ 1 30℃、压力 0 .2~ 0 .3MPa。
A EO/PO block copolyether surfactant DC218 was synthesized by the sequential addition first of propylene oxide and then ethylene oxide to propylene glycol initiator in the presence of a new type of catalyst. Two type of polymerization catalysts PCT1 and PCT2 were obtained on the basis of the study on some kinds of catalysts. The effects of concentration of the catalysts, reaction temperature, pressure and other factors on the synthesis reaction were discussed. It was confirmed that the optium conditions of the synthesis reaction are: PCT2 catalyst concentration 2%, reaction temperature 120~130 ℃, pressure 0.2~0.3 MPa. The reaction mechanism was described in the paper also.
Speciality Petrochemicals