Objective To investigate clinical characteristics and the methods of early diagnosis for the elderly acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients.Methods To review the clinical data of 52 cases of elderly untypical AMI patients in hospital, to analysis and sum up clinical characteristics.Results In this group of 52 cases, there are 28 cases (54%) without pain; there are 22 cases (42%) have the symptoms of respiratory tracts; there are 6 cases (12%) occur the syncope, jut like stroke; there are 24 cases (46%) have the heterotopic pain; like toothache, neck and shoulder pain, melalgia and abdominal pain.Conclusion In the elderly AMI patients, almost a half have untypical chstpain, even without any pain, most occur heterotopic pain.If we suspect someone, we must carry out the examinations, just like ECG, cardiac muscle zymograms tests, TnI or TnT, and we must observe the dynamic states above-mentoned, and to avoid the misdiagnosis.
acute myocardial infarctoin