
完善农村消费环境扩大需求 促进陕西经济发展协调拉动

Improving the consuming environment to enlarge consumption demand of countryside coordinatingly prompting the economic development of Shaanxi Province
摘要 陕西农村居民消费变化呈以下特点:新的耐用品从无到有,但仍处于必需品需求阶段;食品支出下降幅度较大,但仍是最大支出项目;居住支出占总消费支出的比重不断增大,已成新的支出亮点;衣着和服务支出占总消费支出的比重有所下降,但幅度较小;医疗保健支出占总支出的比重有所增加,但是数量仍然不足;交通、通讯和文教娱乐支出占总消费支出的比重有所上升,潜在需求旺盛。制约陕西农村居民消费的因素有:收入增缓瓶颈、消费环境瓶颈、社会保障瓶颈、消费信贷瓶颈、消费观念瓶颈。扩大陕西农村消费需求应增大财政支农力度,提高农民收入;调整财政支出重点,改善农村消费环境;运用金融组合工具,发展农村消费信贷;运用公共财政手段,完善农村社会保障。 The consumption of countryside residents in Shaanxi province takes on the following characteristics: the new durable goods has come out, but still at the essential period; Although it has been increasingly declined, expenditure in food consumption is still a largest item; Housing expenditure is the new moments, the proportion of which accounts for total consumption has been increasing; Dressing and service expenditure in total consump- tion have declined lowly; Although the proportion of healthcare expenditure in total consumption has been improved, the quantity is insufficient; The proportion of expenditure such as transportation, communication, education and entertainment in total consumption has also been deeply improved. There are a great deal of bottleneck restricting the consumption of countryside residents in Shaanxi province, such as income, consuming environment, social security, consumption - oriented credit and conception. On the purpose of enlarging consumption in countryside in Shaanxi province, we should increasingly ex- pend the financial expenditure and improve the local residents' income. We should adjust financial expenditure, improve consuming environment, take fully advantage of financial portfolio to develop consumptionoriented credit. Finally, we should also use public financial policies to improve social security in countryside.
作者 孔祥利
出处 《西安邮电学院学报》 2008年第2期33-37,共5页 Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 2007年陕西省社科联重大现实问题研究项目(07Z006) 陕西师范大学"211工程"重点建设项目子课题
关键词 陕西农村 消费需求 协调拉动 countryside in Shaanxi Province consumption demand coordinatingly prompting
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  • 3林毅夫.新农村建设运动用9亿农民拉内需[EB/OL].http://finance.sina.com.cn,2005-08-03.








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