Effect of NF-kappaB decoy oligodeoxynucleotide on CVS after SAH in rabbits;Combination of the nero-interventional technique with hematoma puncture to treat the bleeding cereberal vascular disease;Application of CT angiography in emergency microsurgery of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage without hypertension;Analysis of the difference between the rigid model and the elastic model in rabbit aneurismal model by numerical simulation;Intracranial aneurysms with special morphology found in operations
208644 Retrograde suction decompression for the management of large or giant paraclinoidal aneurysms/Jiang Jinli(姜金利,Dept Neurosurg,Chin PLA Gen Hosp,Beijing 100853)…Chin J Neurosurg.-2008,24(7).-514~517Objective To explore the technique and effect of retrograde suction decompression for the management of large or giant paraclinoidal aneurysms.Methods 12 cases of paraclinoidal aneurysms used pterional approach.