
企业创新“悖论”及其解决之策 被引量:11

The Paradox and Solutions in Business Innovation
摘要 新产品开发,是企业知识探索与知识利用有机结合的过程。本文在对二者的悖论关系进行辨析的基础上,借鉴矛盾管理的思想,对创新过程悖论问题处理的4种方略做了归纳和比较,评析了依靠高层管理的协调作用及员工角色可变换的结构来实现二者对立统一而存在的空间上或时间上的分割问题,由此提出在较低的组织层次上构建具有两栖能力的组织的主张。两栖不是一个连续统的两极,而是同一事物的两个构面,是可以且应该得到统一的。 New product development, as a major form of autonomous business innovation, is a process composed of both exploration and exploitation, which are contradictive by nature and require different kinds of organizing. After identifying the paradox and its alternative solving strategies, the paper extends the meaning of ambidextrous organization from dual structure to ambidextrous capabilities, and tries to deal dialectically with the paradox at some lower level of analysis than the whole organization. The conclusion is that ambidexterity is not the opposites of a continuum, but the two dimensions of the same thing, which could and should be dialectically united.
作者 王凤彬 江鸿
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第11期44-49,共6页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"超模块组织模式与网络节点自组织能力研究"(70571082) 中国企业联合会"中国式企业管理科学基础研究:组织与管理制度专题研究"项目。
关键词 创新 二元结构 两栖组织 知识探索 知识利用 innovation dual structure ambidextrous organization exploration exploitation
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