
裸帽藓属Groutiella Steere的研究Ⅰ——形态特征和研究概况

Study on Groutiella Steere(Orthotrichaceae,Bryopsida)Ⅰ——Morphological Characters and Outline of Research
摘要 裸帽藓属(Groutiella)隶属于木灵藓科的蓑藓亚科。其分布区主要集中在中、南美洲地区。裸帽藓属的显著特征为叶基部有分化边缘;蒴帽仅覆盖孢蒴的1/3,平滑无毛。该属植物与蓑藓属(Macromitrium)和卷叶藓属(Ulota)植物形态上十分相似。自1950年建属以来,对于它的分类学研究很少,且主要集中在地区性研究和形态学研究。根据目前的研究现状,裸帽藓属的概念还存在问题,某些种类存在一定的混淆,因此,该属亟需进行世界范围内的分类学修订。 Groutiella,belonging to Orthotrichaceae, was established in 1950 by H. A. Crum. Only a few studies on this genus have been reported since then. Morphologically, it is very similar to Macromitrium and Ulota. The distribution of Groutiella is mainly in Central America and South America. In this paper, we introduce its main morphological characters and the history of research on Groutiella. Meanwhile, we also discuss the delimitation of the genus and the systematic relationships between Macromitrium, Ulota and Groutiella. In Groutiella, there are some confusions at the level of species, and they need to be further studied by checking type specimens. Finally, we consider that there is a strong necessity to have a revision on Groutiella.
出处 《武汉植物学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期319-324,共6页 Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research
关键词 裸帽藓属 木灵藓科 藓类植物 Groutiella Orthotrichaceae Bryopsida
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