目的了解网龄、上网时间等因素对青少年的泪膜质量的影响。方法对济南市7家大型网吧的533名上网青少年进行流行病学调查,调查项目包括双眼Schirmer 1试验(Schirmer1 test,S1T)、泪膜破裂时间(Break-up time,BUT)检查和含有网龄、上机时间等九项内容的问卷调查。Schirmer 1试验和BUT数据与以上其他调查项目的多因素分析采用多元线性回归的逐步回归法。结果①男性Shirmer 1试验异常者占40%,其中双眼者占21.33%,BUT异常者占96%,其中双眼者占84%;女性Shirmer 1试验异常者都为双眼,占57.12%,BUT异常者都为双眼,占85.71%;②52.81%被调查者,有视觉疲劳的症状;③对眼表影响最大的因素是网龄长短(Schirmer试验为+0.19,BUT+0.20)。结论①网龄久和上网时间长是导致泪液分泌量减少首要原因;②上网青少年普遍存在BUT的异常;③网络游戏的种类和显示器磁场辐射是影响泪膜质量的重要因素;④女性网民一般双眼泪膜质量都较差。
Objective To investigate intemet-related factors on quality of tear film in adolescence. Methods Epidemiological questionnaires were used by 533 young people in 7 net bars in Jinan City. The Schirmerl test and break -up time (BUF) were determined. Multiple linear regression and stepwise regression were used to analyze the da'ta. Results 1. 40% of the males had abnormal Schirmer test results and 21.33% of them occurred in both eyes. 96% of the males had abnormal BUT and 84% of them occurred in both eyes. 57.12% of the females had abnormal Schirmer test results and 85.71 % had abnomal BUT, and all occurred on binoculus, 2. 52.81% of them had visual fatigue. 3. The greatest risk factor is time of using the intemet. The Schirmer test result was 0.19 and the BUT 0.20. Conclusions 1. A long i ntemet terminal use history and long time on net are key reasons for the decrease of tear secretion. 2. Abnormal BUT is common in adolescence during intemet terminal use. 3. Intemet games and monitors are important factors influencing quality of the tear fihn. 4. Most female net users have poor quality of tear film on binoculus.
Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University