

The extraction of EM scattering from buried complex targets
摘要 作者采用混合位积分方程(MPIE)和分别基于RWG函数以及四面体元基函数的矩量法分析计算了埋地复杂目标的电磁散射问题,利用二级离散复镜像(DCIM)和广义函数束(GPOF)相结合的方法求解Sommerfeld积分,很好的解决了多层媒质中电磁散射计算中的棘手问题,其方法简练、精确、高效,数值分析结果与有关文献吻合很好,证实了该方法的正确性和通用性.此外,该文还通过计算比较了不同观察点、不同埋地深度及不同目标介质参数的电磁散射特性. In the paper, the mixed potential integral equation and the method of moments (MOM) based on RWG basis function and the tetrahedral modeling basis function were used to analyze electromagnetic scattering from buried complex targets, and the discrete complex images technique based on a two - level approximation and generalized pencil -of-function method were combined to calculate Sommerfeld integrals, which properly solved the key problem of electromagnetic scattering problem in layered media. The method was concise, accuracy and efficiency. The results obtained were consistent with relevant literature, which confirms the correctness and universality of this approach. Furthermore, the electromagnetic scattering was calculated at different observation points, buried depth and dielectric parameters of different target.
出处 《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第3期37-40,共4页 Journal of Anhui University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60671057)
关键词 电磁散射 RWG函数 四面体元基函数 Sommerfeld积分 二级离散复镜像法(DCIM) 广义函数束法(GPOF) electromagnetic scattering RWG basis function the tetrahedral modeling basis function Sommerfeld integrals DCIM GPOF
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