
基于CT图像的鼻咽组织重建 被引量:2

Nasopharyngeal Tissue Reconstruction Based on CT Series Image
摘要 基于CT图像的鼻咽部组织三维重建是建立鼻咽癌虚拟治疗系统的基础。鼻咽部组织多达六十多种,在组织分割过程中建立了鼻咽部组织解剖图谱,设定组织颜色查找表。在重建过程中,单纯利用一种重建算法不能满足重建模型效果好、显示速度快的要求。所以利用不同算法重建不同组织:改进的移动立方体算法用于重建重要鼻咽部组织,轮廓拼接算法用于重建次要的鼻咽部组织,表示空间位置的外轮廓使用光线投射算法进行绘制。通过组织分割,重建和模型简化实现了鼻咽部多组织模型重建。所建模型满足鼻咽癌虚拟治疗的需要。 The nasopharyngeal tissue reconstruction is the foundation of building nasopharyngeal carcinoma virtual therapy system. In tissue segmentation process, for easyly extracting the wanted tissues from about sixty tissues around nasopharynx, an anatomical atlas of nasopharyngeal tissues was created and a color look-up table was designed. In the tissue reconstruction process, a single reconstruction algorithm can not reconstruct good nasopharyngeal tissue models while these models can display quickly. Different algorithms were used to different tissues: improved Marching Cubes method was used to reconstruct the tissues most important tissues, while contour-connecting method were used to reconstruct less important tissues, ray casting method was used to down sampling data of tissues that can show space position. At last, 3D models were reconstructed by image segmentation, model reconstruction and model simplification. The reconstructed models meet the need of building nasopharyngeal carcinoma virtual therapy system.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期3200-3203,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60601025) 福建省科技重点项目(2002Y021)
关键词 鼻咽部组织 改进的移动立方体算法 轮廓拼接算法 三维模型 nasopharyngeal tissue improved marching cubes contour connecting 3D model
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