
浊点萃取法预浓缩食用油中多环芳烃的研究 被引量:15

Study on the preconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in edible oil with cloud point extraction
摘要 随着食品安全意识的提高,食用油中多环芳烃的检测与分离越来越引起人们的重视,而传统液液萃取法较为繁琐,重复率也较低,因此高效的分离/富集方法研究受到关注。近年来,一种新型的基于表面活性剂相分离现象的分离方法——浊点萃取(Cloud Point Extraction,CPE),逐渐成为研究热点。与液液萃取相比,CPE具有操作简单、过程短、萃取率高等优点;此外,由于CPE过程中不使用有机溶剂,在降低成本的同时,它又是一种环境友好的萃取分离方法。通过实验各操作参数对萃取性能的影响,获得最佳操作条件,指出采用CPE方法对食用油中多环芳烃进行预浓缩的可能性。 The detection and separation technologies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in edible oils are more and more important with the increase of sense of safty. Recently, a new separation technology based on phase separation phenomenon of surfactant aqueous solution, cloud point extraction (CPE), has gained a lot of attentions, due to its simply process and higher efficiency, comparing with traditional liquidliquid extraction. Moreover, no organic solvent was used in the whole CPE process, resulting in lower cost and environment friendliness. In this study, CPE technology was used in the preconcentration of the PAHs in edible oil, and the PAHs concentration was determined with HPLC. The effects of the operating parameters on the extractability were also investigated, and the optimum process conditions were obtained.
作者 夏红
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第6期209-212,共4页 Food Science and Technology
关键词 浊点萃取 食用油 多环芳烃 cloud point extraction edible oil polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
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