
北京市部分餐馆自愿禁烟政策效果评估 被引量:6

A Survey on the Effectiveness of Voluntary Smoke-free Policies
摘要 目的评估北京市部分餐馆自愿禁烟政策实施情况及效果。方法采取方便抽样的方法,于2007年北京市餐饮业控烟行动倡议及启动会前后分别抽取91家和85家餐馆,进行禁烟规定调查和室内外空气细颗粒物浓度监测,其中包括对23家餐馆的随访调查和监测。结果两次调查中不同禁烟规定的餐馆所占比例差别无统计学意义(χ^2=2.60,P=0.28)。协方差分析表明,室内细颗粒物浓度和室外细颗粒物浓度呈正相关(β=0.51,t=7.01,P〈0.001),而和调查的时间无统计学相关(β=-0.05,t=-0.92,P=0.357),两次调查餐馆的室内细颗粒物平均浓度分别为181.97μg/m^3(95%CI:154.88-213.80)和199.53μg/m^3(95%CI:169.82-239.88),差别无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。23家随访餐馆的禁烟政策在前后两次调查中没有变化,配对t检验表明,第二次测量的室外和室内细颗粒物浓度平均值均高于第一次测量,但差别均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论两次调查餐馆的禁烟政策和环境烟草烟雾浓度变化均无统计学意义,自愿禁烟政策是无效的。 Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of voluntary smoke-free policies in Beijing.Methods With convenient sampling,91 restaurants and 85 restaurants were respectively selected before and after the initiation on voluntarily banning smoking in public eating and drinking places by the catering industry in Beijing,and including a follow-up surveillance on 23 restaurants.Field investigation on smoke-free rules and PM2.5 monitoring in and outside of these restaurants were conducted.Results There were no statistic differences among the proportion of restaurants with different smoking policies(χ^2=2.60,P=0.28).Univariate analysis showed that the indoor PM2.5 level was positively related with the outdoor PM2.5 level(β=0.51,t=7.01,P〈0.001),while not statistically related with the investigating time(β=-0.05,t=-0.92,P=0.357),and that there was no statistic difference between the average indoor PM2.5 levels of the two times investigations,which was 181.97 μg/m3 and 199.53 μg/m3,respectively.The follow-up study on the 23 venues indicated that no changes of smoking regulations had taken place in any of those venues during the time period of initiation activities;and according to the paired samples T-tests,though the outdoor and the indoor PM2.5 levels of these 23 restaurants in the second time investigation were both higher than those in the first time investigation,there were no differences among them.Conclusion There were no changes in both smoking regulations and the average indoor PM2.5 level in restaurants before and after the initiation activities,which indicates that the voluntary smoke-free policies are ineffective.
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2008年第3期246-249,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
基金 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心2007年专项经费 美国Roswell Park TTURC资助项目(P50CA11236)
关键词 烟草烟污染 烟雾 餐饮业 自愿禁烟政策 评估 Tobacco smoke pollution Smog Restaurants Voluntary smoke-free policies Evaluation
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