本文介绍西门子SIMATIC T-CPUS7-300 PLC作为机床进给轴的运动控制器,在完成机床设备逻辑控制的同时,完成复杂的机床运动控制任务。所有的运动工艺组件(伺服驱动,编码器,等等)都是以DP(DRIVE)通讯口连接,采取等时同步模式组成DP网:同时,使用MPI通讯口与上位机(PC)相联,组成了一个集运动控制、检测补偿、监控等功能完善的专用钻床。
This paper introduces that the special drilling machine which includes a SIMATIC T-CPU PLC act as motion controller of feeder axis successfully finished Logical control tasks, at the same time successfully finished motion control tasks in machine tool application. All the components of technology, e.g. servo drive, encoder, connected via PROFIBUS DP(DRIVE) network by ISOCHRONE mode. And, connecting te IPC with MPI port successfully finished all the technical functions.